New Delhi, Jul 13: The union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman has clarified that the PSB clerical recruitment examination will be held only in two languages- English and Hindi.
News reports have been published in certain section of media regarding the advertisement given by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) for holding an examination for recruitment in the clerical cadre of Public Sector Banks (PSBs) only in two languages i.e. English and Hindi, despite the fact that 22 languages were recognized by the Constitution of India. The news report cites a statement made by the UnionFinance Minister in 2019 when she had assured holding banking exams in local languages.
In the above context, it may be clarified that the finance minister’s statement referred to above was made in the context of Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) only. With a view to provide a level playing field to the local youths for availing employment opportunities, the government in 2019 decided that for recruitment of Office Assistant and Officer Scale-I in RRBs , examination will be held in 13 regional languages including Konakani and Kannada, besides Hindi and English. Since then, examination for these recruitments are being conducted in regional languages also.