STF To Forfeit Rs 3 Crore Property Acquired By Two Accused

Bhubaneswar, June 27: The STF of Odisha police has requested the office of Competent Authority, Kolkata, a quasi-judicial authority under NDPS Act to seize and forfeiture the ill gotten money of two accused involved in illegal contraband Ganja and Opium business.
An official release issued by the STF here on Monday said under the provision of chapter V A of NDPS Act (Section A- Z) there is a provision of seizing and forfeiture of ill-gotten property (illegally acquired property from Narcotics business in the last six years).
During investigation properties worth more than Rs 3 crores, acquired by accused Banmali Pradhan and Arun Kumar Pradhan both are S/o. Late Kirtan Pradhan of Raghunath Sahai in Odisha’s Ganjam district out of illegal contraband Ganja and Opium business have been identified and seized.
The STF on April 29, 2022 seized 106 kg of contraband ganja and 517 grams of opium besides
other incriminating materials from the exclusive conscious possession of the two accused persons.
The seized properties included five commercial buildings situated at Buguda, eight landed properties,19 bank balances in 19 Accounts of different banks, two vehicles and gold and silver ornaments weighing 595 grams and 190 grams respectively.
STF sources said a detailed proposal for confirmation of seizure/ forfeiture of the properties earned out of contraband Ganja/Opium business was sent to the office of Competent Authority, Kolkata,
who is a quasi-judicial authority under NDPS Act.
The competent authority has been requested for forfeiture of the illegally acquired property as per provision of Sec. 68 (F) NDPS Act, 1985.
The two accused persons were earlier booked in similar cases by the Excise Department.