
Bollywood actress Bhagyashree told what to eat to stay young and fit.

Bhagyashree's fitness secret

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Bhagyashree’s fitness secret

Bhagyashree is known for her beauty as well as her fitness. Do you also want to know how this Bollywood actress looks so young and fit even at the age of 55? From following a healthy-balanced diet plan to a workout routine, the actress is very alert about her health.

boon foods for health

If you also want to keep yourself fit and young in the new year, then you should definitely include some food items rich in nutrients in your diet plan. Bhagyashree told that you must eat magnesium rich food items like almonds, sunflower seeds and spinach.

What to eat to feel energetic?

If you want to feel energetic throughout the day, then you should start eating chickpeas, kidney beans and peanuts. If you consume these things in the right quantity regularly, you can get rid of problems like mood swings. To remain healthy, you should also include Vitamin B rich food items in your diet plan.

Diet plan should be iron rich

To stay fit for a long time, you must eat iron rich food items. Beetroot and jaggery, rich in nutrients, can also prove to be a boon for your health. You can also drink potassium rich coconut water to keep muscles strong. According to Bhagyashree, you can make yourself fit by consuming these foods. However, to get better results, it is very important to consume these things in the right quantity and in the right way.

(This article is for general information, please consult a doctor before adopting any remedy)

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