Biden Caught Insulting Journalist

Washington, Jan 25: US President Joe Biden has been caught on a hot mic making an inappropriate remark to a journalist and also called him “stupid” after he asked a question on inflation.
The President’s remark on Monday came when Fox White House correspondent Peter Doocy asked: “Would you take a question on inflation … ? Do you think inflation is a political liability in the midterms?”
In reply, Biden said: “It’s a great asset — more inflation…What a stupid…”
According to CNN, Doocy later called the President to apologize for his remark. He said, “Within about an hour of that exchange, he called my cell phone and he (Biden) said, ‘It’s nothing personal, pal.
“He cleared the air, and I appreciated it. We had a nice call.” The journalist also said that he had question the President on inflation because he had refused to take any question that were off-topic such as Russia and Ukraine.
According to CNN, the President has grown increasingly frustrated when facing tough questions publicly in recent days.