Bhubaneswar: After few months a brother has planned to send his sister to his in-laws house after throwing her wedding party. Everything has settled down, but the cyber fraud has ruined everything he has planned for. An APK file lost his lakhs of money he has saved for his sister’s wedding. A Ganjam man has lost lakhs of rupees by cyber fraudsters. This incident happened in Salia Sahi, Bhubaneswar.
According to the sources, Krishna Pradhan from Ganjam is living in Bhubaneswar’s Salia Sahi with his family. He has withdrawn his fixed deposit for the shake of his sister wedding which will be held after three months. He worked as a delivery boy.
With his savings he has saved around 6 lakhs rupees for the family event. Krishna belongs to the OBC category and as per the central government’s Labour and Employment Groups worked for SC and ST categories, Krishna registered his name there.
After few days an APK file link has sent by someone in that group. When Krishna clicked on that link cyber fraudsters attacked his withdrawn fixed deposited money. And this has done without any OTP.
Now cyber police is investigating into this matter.