By D N Singh
Daughters are angels, true.
Good that we celebrate certain days dedicated to some aspects or nuances of life. But when we look into the bottom reality one is left grappling for the solace.
On this day when the nation celebrates Girl Child Day, do the majority realise that, we have fast developed a tendency to become paper tigers and walk along the lanes laced with Sloganeering. As a call given by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, ‘beti bachao, beti padhao’ the initial part of it sound so shrill and vacuous on the ground.
No day passes when there is no news about a minor raped, gang-raped, raped and murdered, or a girl child standing atop a hill of garbage on the city-out-skirts yet sporting a smile that reflects innocence and sublime, it pains. Exactly contrary to what is pasted on the walls or spoken through the media platforms.
No leader or the VIPs passing across stops and breathe heavy by what they see.
When millions and millions of rupees are being splurged on extravaganzas like campaigns, celebrations and image push exercises or building statues worth thousands of crores of rupees to be remembered, they never work hard to see the girl child on a school veranda or class rooms.
In fact, it was in 2008 January 24 the day was given the name of National Girl Child Day, to promote awareness about the rights of girls, setting aside inequalities.
When know the plight of millions of Girl Child, it is a paradoxical situation when we make pompous claims regarding gender equality, legal rights and so on and on, the revelations tend to ridicule at the society which skirts away from what happens really.
Female foeticide is another major issue that further affects the demographic problems in India. But the criminal medical wings rather unscrupulously carry on their business of female foeticide.
But in India a most brutal form of killing females takes place regularly, even before they have the opportunity to be born. Female feticide–the selective abortion of female fetuses–is killing upwards of one million females in India annually with far-ranging and tragic consequences. Ratio can be puzzling, almost 8000 – 1000.
On the otherhand an archaic judicial apparatus often takes years to years to convict a girl-child abuser.
Give them the right to food, education and safety and that is the fundamental duty of the government but instead billions of rupees are blown in political and other jumborees.
“When girls are educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous.” -Michelle Obama
Those words do matter, regardless of the fact that, such statements hardly drill into the psyche of the rulers.
It is often said and let it repeat itself that a girl is an angel who reign in the hearts of million of parent world over.