Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
The nation’s conscience was stirred after the ghastly murder of a lady, Shraddha Walkar kiiled by her live-in partner Aftab Poonawala who made her to 35 pieces and strewn in places.
But can we believe that a daughter could kill her own mother to several pieces for days and living with. Shocking that such a relationship can be abused that much.
Just because her mother had HIV+ infection inviting social stigma from the society. But it did happen and a mother was murdered brutally by a daughter with the help of her boy friend.
Rimple Jain killed her mother unable to bear the stigmas! Mother Veena Jain was in the least of the know about such a beastly min-set her own daughter was nurturing within.
Suresh Kumar Paurwal brother of deceased Veena was the only support of his sister who was constantly taunted by her own daughter who killed her as the only solution to escape the stigmas. Could she? No
Suresh played a Samaritan role consoling killer Rimple and his sister Veena, reports suggest.
For Mumbai police it was a challenge. Four days back the Mumbai Police arrested Rimple after they found pieces of Veena’s body in plastic bags, stuffed inside a cupboard and steel water containers, at their house in the city’s Lalbaug area.
She with the help of her boy friend killed Veena and chopped her body with a marble cutter.
On 16 March, the police detained 27-year-old Bobby Amjad Ali, Rimple’s boyfriend, who allegedly helped her commit the murder.
According to police sources, it may have been Bobby who got the marble cutter, which was allegedly used to chop the victim’s body into pieces. Bobby runs a vada pav stall in Mumbai – and is originally from Lucknow.