UPSC to release CDS (II) exam notification on August 4

New Delhi : The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will release the detailed notification of the Combined Defence Services (CDS) exam on August 4. This is the second UPSC CDS exam of the year. The first CDS exam was notified in October 2020.
The UPSC conducts CDS exam for admission to Indian Military Academy, Dehradun; Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala; Air Force Academy, Hyderabad; Officers’ Training Academy, Chennai; Officers Training Academy, Chennai.
Graduates are eligible for the exam. Details regarding the age limit will be notified to candidates on August 4.
“Candidates who are studying in the final year/semester Degree course and have yet to pass the final year degree examination can also apply provided candidate should not have any present backlog upto the last semester / year for which results have been declared upto the time of submission of application and they will be required to submit proof of passing the degree examination at the time of commencement of course,” the UPSC had said in earlier exam notification.
The registration for the UPSC CDS exam will be done at The last date for the submission of the application forms will be August 24. The exam will be held on November 1