Custard apple seeds eliminate the stubborn dandruff and lice stuck in the hair roots, know how to use it?

How to remove lice from custard apple seeds,
In winter, most of the people are troubled by the problem of dandruff, dandruff and lice. In such a situation, you can try some effective and natural remedies to get rid of this problem. If you are troubled by stubborn dandruff and head lice and want to control hair fall, use custard apple seeds. Hair oil made from the seeds of this fruit is beneficial in eliminating dandruff and lice. Rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, antioxidants and natural hydrating properties, the seeds of this fruit are very beneficial for hair. Custard apple seeds have anti-disease properties which help in eliminating lice and dandruff from hair.
How to use Custard Apple seeds:
First of all, remove the seeds thoroughly from the custard apple. Now wash these seeds with water and then keep them to dry in the sun. When these seeds dry, grind them very finely in a mixer jar and make a powder. Now filter the powder and throw away the thick part. Place the sifted powder in a container, add camphor and coconut oil to it. Now whenever you want to use this oil, apply it thoroughly on your scalp. Keep in mind that apply this oil half an hour before bathing and then wash your hair. Its regular use will remove the problem of dandruff.
Hair will get these benefits by using oil:
Zoo is controlled: Applying this oil will control the problem of lice in girls. This oil is very effective in removing lice and eliminates them from the root.
Dandruff is eliminated from hair:This oil will make your scalp healthy and is very effective for dandruff. This method of applying oil to hair is very easy and you can prepare it at home along with anti dandruff home remedies.
Hair becomes soft: This homemade custard apple oil keeps your scalp hydrated, removes dandruff and irritation and strengthens the hair from the root. Due to which hair becomes thick and soft.