Coming to this part is bit pensive and to predict what would be, is equally painful and emotive.
The villagers were earlier engaged in productive activities. What they produced they exchanged for what they needed. This exchange benefitted both the parties, and both had to toil. Barter is about being productive and adding value.
For the rich however money had to come easy. Thus began paper money. You only needed to convince people to deposit their hard earned earnings and then you traded that money to earn for yourself based on promissory notes.
The governments formed with the backing of rich and powerful traders who adopted this route, took to the mass printing of paper currency. It provided additional power to make more money. The money began to be used to purchase people and accentuate the neglect and harm.
The neglect and exploitation destroyed nature, polluted the environment, corrupted the agriculture and food system, forced people to live in extreme stress and led to disease.
The diseases in turn became an earning opportunity. A new system of medicine emerged from the stables of the rich and powerful. It declared that disease is a chemical deficiency and therefore began the philanthropy of mass producing drugs and medical services. The labour force now had another use; they became patients. They do not have the right to question; only consume. Mental and physical strength has abandoned the species as a result.
We shiver while going through the accounts of the world war concentration camps and consider ourselves lucky that we do not live in such times. But unknown to us the whole world has been converted to such a camp. Except for walls the present world resembles the worst of such camps.
Things are not going to end here. The neglect of man is set to end with wholesome extermination. The useless eaters are now being pruned in the quest for bringing in a new world order and the fourth industrial revolution that is purely technology with very minimal requirement of labour.
So we have disease spewing factories producing the toxins that will be used to cull, the treatment industry to aid in that culling, and the “expert” industry that will use the word “science” to absolve the criminals and justify the crime.
Wars and riots will force people into accepting measures they would not agree to otherwise.
Stepping into new world
Rights will be taken away, ownership of property seized, people will be declared sick and force medicated, the demarcation of zones within townships will facilitate greater control and tracking, travel will be restricted, the food will be fully artificial, and only those fully compliant will be allowed basic facilities.
Very few will survive these measures and step into the new world.
The new world will begin another round of extreme exploitation with artificially augmented human beings, artificial wombs to mass produce the desired slaves, living and working in the metaverse, leaving the natural world to the enjoyed by the “real” owners; the super rich.
There is no alternative. It is all for the greater good. One needs to be scientific, listen to the experts, and tolerate what is happening all around and what is coming. For are we not the most intelligent species on earth?
Pretence and the need to conform will lead us to an unprecedented crisis.