Countdown starts: Is Aditya-L1 a complete Mission to study the Sun : No says ISRO

Chennai, Sep 1 : The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
said its maiden Solar exploratory Mission Aditya-L1 is not a complete one
to study the Sun due to limited mass, power and volume of the spacecraft
that carries scientific payloads in space.
“Is Aditya-L1 a complete Mission to study the Sun. The obvious answer
is a ‘NO’ which is not only true for Aditya-L1 but in general for any space
mission”, ISRO said.
The reason is that due to the limited mass, power and volume of the
spacecraft that carries the scientific payloads in space, only a limited
set of instruments with limited capacity can be sent onboard the
spacecraft, the Space Agency said.
In case of Aditya-L1, all the measurements will be made from the
Lagrange point L1. As an example, the various phenomena of the
sun are multi-directional and therefore the directional distribution
of energy of explosive/eruptive phenomena will not be possible to
study with Aditya-L1 alone, it added.
Another Lagrange point known as L5 is a good vantage point for
studying the Earth directed CME events and assessing the space
Also, the polar regions of the sun are not well studied due to
technological challenges of achieving spacecraft orbits for such
The sun polar dynamics and magnetic fields are believed to play
important role in deriving the solar cycles. Further, the polarisation
measurements of solar radiations at different wavelengths are
required to understand the various processes occurring in and
around the sun, ISRO said.