Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
The Bhitarkanika National Park will remain closed for ten days for tourists from January 4 next year for the headcount drive of Estuarine Crocodile.
The prohibition order on the visitors will be imposed during this stipulated period to prevent noise pollution during the census drive of Estuarine crocodile and to facilitate the census operation smoothly in a tranquil atmosphere DFO of Rajnagar Mangrove (Forest) and wildlife Division Gopinath Sudarshan Yadav said.
The headcount drive of the Salt water crocodile will be organised under the supervision of the DFO of Rajnagar Mangrove (Forest) and wildlife Division. The entire day and night census operation will be monitored and supervised by the Technical expert, deputed from the Wildlife Headquarters.
The enumerators, assisted by the trained local forest staff will cover the Bhitarkanika river system besides innumerable creeks, water inlets, and nullahs, where the reptiles are found in abundance.
The salt water crocodile, being amphibious in nature, can be counted directly both on land, while basking on the river bed, and also on water surfaces while floating.
During the day time crocodiles basking on land are easier to count and their size class can be estimated easily and accurately.
At night, crocodiles less than 6 feet floating on water or resting on land could be counted by using a spotlight and catching the reflected ‘ruby red” glow from their eyes.
However, either during the day or night census, only a proportion of crocodiles will be visible at any one time, others will be submerged in water.
The census operation will be carried out using both traditional methods and also a new technologically based mobile application – polygon search method like last year, said Manas Kumar Das, the Ranger of Kanika Forest Range.
According to Das an estimated 1784 numbers of Estuarine crocodiles,including 4 crocodiles measuring more than 20 feet long were spotted in and outside the water bodies of Rajnagar Mangrove forest Division(wildlife) during the headcount drive last year