6 Sluice Gates of Hirakud dam to be opened for releasing excess water

Sambalpur : In view of increasing water inflow into Hirakud dam following incessant rain in upper catchment areas of Mahanadi River, authorities have decided to open six sluice gates of the reservoir to release excess floodwater today.
According to dam officials, the gates will be opened at 5PM today.
However, the gates will continue to remain open till the dam’s water level decreases to 605 ft.
Hirakud dam has 98 gates to release floodwater of which 64 are sluice gates and 34 crest gates. Each sluice gate has the capacity to discharge 16,440 cusec of water when reservoir level is 630 feet, also termed as the danger level. Similarly, each crest gate can discharge 16,238 cusec of water at 630 ft.