Patna, Nov 1 : Accusing center of doing injustice to the scribes, Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar said that he was hurt by the injustice the journalists were facing.
After attending an official programme here on Wednesday, Kumar told newspersons that he was not angry with the journalists and instead always appreciated their work.
Kumar reiterated that he was not happy with the injustice being done to the scribes by the center. The Chief Minister said he was in full support of the journalists and added that they would get their rights once they were free from the clutches of the center. “I am never against the journalists”, Kumar said adding that the scribes were not being allowed to perform as per their choice. Kumar said he always spoke in the interest of the scribes.
Replying to a query regarding BJP’s allegations of providing jobs to the teachers instead of money to the BPSC, Kumar said that everyone was aware of the work done by the state government. Without taking the name of the BJP, Kumar said when they shared power with him its leader never raised such issues but now they all were talking rubbish at the behest of the center with an ulterior motive to defame the state government.
Kumar claimed his government was working properly and with full transparency.