Odisha: Mid-Day Meal To Resume At Schools From This Date

Bhubaneswar: Provision of Mid-Day Meal (MDM) at schools in Odisha, which was paused due to the COVID-19 situation, will resume from April 2022.
Sanat Kumar Mohanty, State Nodal Officer, MDM, has written to all district Collectors in this regard.
“As you are aware that PM Poshan (MDM) at schools has been stopped following closure of schools due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in the State. Dry ration (rice) and Food Security Allowances (Cooking Cost) have however been provided to the students in lieu of hot cooked meals at school since March 2020. While dry ration (rice) has been sanctioned to provide rice to students upto March 2022, cooking cost has been transferred to the account of students through their bank accounts in DBT mode. The cooking cost for the balance period of 2021-22 shall be provided on receipt of funds from Govt. of India. In view of the significant decrease in the corona caseload in the State, schools have reopened in the meanwhile and it has been decided now to serve hot cooked meals to the students at schools from April-2022 following covid guidelines. A Standard Operating Procedure has been prepared following which necessary arrangements may please be made for smooth implementation of the Mid-Day Meal programme,” the official wrote in the letter.
A Standard Operating Procedure, which includes sanitisation of kitchen and utensils, has also been issued.