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Both, the negative emotions and negative life style are the basic causes of ailments of normal to serious nature.
The body seeks to throw out the accumulated waste and resolve the toxicity through acute diseases like inflammation, fever, cough, cold, dysentery, diarrhea, vomiting, skin problems etc. The body therefore is its own doctor. The body initiates acute ailments and also has the ability and mechanisms to stop the process after the need is over.
“In these days of universal toxicity, the body needs to exhibit elimination symptoms at least 7 times a year to stay healthy. If the elimination symptoms do not appear it is an indication that vitality is seriously compromised and the body is gripped with toxicity and is moving towards serious toxicity induced degenerative diseases and cancers.” says Dr A K Mohapatra, a famous immunologist.
It may sound a but bookish but each of us must know the basics regarding many diseases those can be fought without higher drugs administration.
When acute diseases are suppressed or interfered with and not allowed to finish their task the body gets confused and a chronic disease state results
When waste accumulates the toxicity also affects the mind and induces negative behavioural change leading to wrong habits and lifestyle that further aggravates the disease state.
Whatever the “disease name”, the approach is the same;
- By reducing the toxicity and waste within by raising the body’s vitality through nutrition and exercise and inducing the cleaning process to begin again
- Inducing clean up of the colon through hydration support
- Inducing vomiting by ingesting salt water. This draws out toxins
- Exposing the body to the natural elements; air, water, sunlight, and earth, through various procedures. The natural elements have huge healing potential as the body and mind are composed of them
- Providing nourishment after the detoxification to enable the body to repair and renew itself. The naturopaths are well versed on the benefits of nutrition
- Countering acidity and restoring the alkaline balance of the body
- Providing oxygenation need of the body
- Teaching the affected person the basics of good health so the disease burden is reduced
- Often lifestyle gets automatically corrected once the underlying issues are resolved
- The process is periodically repeated, if necessary, till the results are achieved
- Naturopathy is a no medicine approach