September comes dancing with the foot-falls of winter, just hours to go!

By D N Singh
Sultry, exhausting humidity, and a breathless phase of Summer , now there seems an inkling of respite as September steps into the climatic regime.
“Rose hips are now plump and glowing on the wild bushes along lanes and riverbanks. There are many species of wild roses and they are hard to tell apart but, jewel-like in their brilliance, they are food for birds and for small mammals such as voles and squirrels” an anonymous dream runner’s love for nature..
With bright Sun winking through the flying clouds, gushes of cool wind caressing the bodies of living beings, there are smiles emanating from brighter green leaves, making the foliage wearing a bridal look, the mirth can be just felt.
After an exhausting stint of Summer followed by humidity, as it all fades slowly, there is a feel good factor looming on the advent of September.
Signaling at the footfalls of Winter the nature whispers and gets manifested for which no language is needed. The face and the entire countenance of Nature just speaks through all its limbs.
This is the time that opportunity comes in everyone’s way to explore nature closely and minutely also.
Discover the variety of activities that will ignite curiosity in the natural world, foster a deeper sense of belongingness to the nature queen.
Small and green trees even exude mirth with a vibrant change in their being and leaves appear greener after a bath of Monsoon just on its retreat.
Odisha one of best choice
Let’s discover the variety of activities that will ignite curiosity in the natural world, foster a deeper understanding of our environment and cultivate a love for the beauty that is September.
Just embark on a journey to the lovely interiors like Boudh, Keonjhar, Koraput, Kandhamal(Belghar specially in Kandhamal), Malkangiri and some mesmerizing destinations in Coastal Odisha where there is an abundance of smiles.
Get up early with your scribbling pad, camera and simply lace up your walking shoes and get-set ready for the go.
Small hills up to a range of mountains, the cascading forests get frequently torn by streams flowing down from the mountain peaks creating a mirage of silver necklace and here and there turn to huge waterfalls, gurgling down and creating a spectacle leaving the nature lovers just spellbound. .
Nature is God
No matter if you are a first timer of else, imagine you are kick-starting off for the nature with your children, leave them to the frolic of the wonders around and that is an educating process in itself to instill an awareness that nature is wholesome and nature is God and save it from the deconstructive elements of the modern developments which often runs off the tangent from the survival necessities.
Every month has its own focus but September offers a cushion of comfort and blissfulness.