Put this one thing in the basil pot, the plant will not dry up even in winter, the leaves will start growing rapidly.

How to keep basil plant green
Tulsi has special importance in Hindu religion. You will find Tulsi plant in most of the houses. People worship Tulsi and take care of the Tulsi plant with great rules and religion. Offering water to Tulsi removes the troubles of life. Not only this, Tulsi also has medicinal importance in Ayurveda. Basil leaves, basil tea and decoction prove to be effective in many diseases. If the Tulsi plant is green in the house then it is considered a symbol of happiness and prosperity. That’s why people take special care of the Tulsi plant. Many times the basil plant dries up due to cold in winter. If the basil plant in your house is not growing properly and starts drying up, then put these things in the pot. Also, by taking care of some things, the basil plant will remain green for years.
How to save basil plant from drying up?
How to make green leaves of basil plant- To keep the Tulsi plant green, pour Neem water in the Tulsi pot. Adding neem water improves the growth of basil. Due to this the leaves do not dry up and the basil plant remains completely green.
Right way to add water to Tulsi- Tulsi plant needs water. But sometimes due to excessive watering, the plant starts rotting from the roots. Adding less water causes the plant to dry up and adding too much water causes it to rot. So take care of water. If you offer water to Tulsi daily, then offer water only in very small quantity.
Do not put cow dung manure in Tulsi- Some people add wet cow dung manure to the basil plant. This can damage the basil plant. Vermicompost or dry cowdung manure can be added to the basil plant. Applying too much fertilizer also burns the plant.
Mix sand in soil and add- If the basil plant is drying then check its soil once. Slightly sandy soil is good for any plant. Clay soil absorbs water and remains wet for a long time. Due to which the plant gets preserved. Therefore, mix some rate in the soil.
Keep these things in mind also- Keep harvesting the basil plant from time to time. This improves growth. Keep removing the stems from the plant. Do not keep the plant in strong sunlight. Do not keep the plant in the open during cold days.