Do you throw away orange peels? You can make face mask, the glow of the skin will double.

Make face pack with orange peel
Most people consider orange peel waste. But let us tell you that what you are considering as waste can prove to be effective in enhancing the glow of your skin. You can use orange peel for your skin. Orange peels can prove effective in improving the health of your skin. Let us know how to make chemical free face pack from orange peel.
How to make face mask?
To make a natural face pack, first of all you have to dry the orange peels thoroughly. Now make powder of dried orange peels. Take orange peel powder, honey and curd in a bowl. After this, mix all these things well and prepare a paste. You can use this face pack once or twice a week.
How to apply
You can apply this face mask on your face and neck area. To get better results, you have to keep this face pack on your face for about 15 to 20 minutes. After this, you should use lukewarm water to wash your face. After washing your mouth, you will automatically start seeing positive effects.
You will get only benefits
If your skin has lost its glow, then you can get glowing skin by applying this face pack. All the elements found in orange peel, honey and curd can prove beneficial in removing the nutritional deficiency in your skin as well as in deep cleaning of the skin. However, you should not forget to do a patch test before applying this face mask on your entire face.