“If OSSC Can Conduct Exams & Publish Results On Time Then Why Not OSSSC?”

Bhubaneswar: Aspirants have raised questions about the functioning of the Odisha Subordinate Staff Selection Commission (OSSSC), which conducts the recruitment examination. The Commission publishes multiple notifications for recruitment but not testing. It also does not give any information about when the exam will be held. Even after many months of the test, the results are not published. Issuing notification to start application for recruitment of teachers is changing multiple times. Due to all these irregularities and disorder, the aspirants are coming down to the movement at various times.
OSSSC published notification for the post of RI, Amin, ICDS Supervisor in December 2023. The application also ended in March. Even though six months have passed since the publication of the notification, the examination has not been conducted. More than 5 lakh 58 thousand aspirants have applied for the exam and are waiting. Exams are expected to be held in September while no specific date has been announced as to when the exams will be held.
Accordingly, on March 11, the Department of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Minority and Backward Classes Development Department issued a notification to fill up 2629 teacher posts. The notification stated that the application will start from April 1. The application process has not yet started. In the meantime, the original notification has already been modified 5 times. The application date is being changed frequently, indicating that the notification is subject to change. And when it has been stated that the application will start from September 1, there has been a strong reaction against it among the aspirants.
Responding to ‘X’ on social media, an aspirant wrote, “If OSSSC is unable to conduct the exam, close the office.” Similarly, many aspirants are expressing their displeasure with different responses. Similarly, the written test for the recruitment of Livestock Inspector, Forester and Forest Guard has been completed on May 7. After more than three months of delay, the test did not show results. As the result of the preliminary examination has not been released, the candidate has not been able to prepare for the physical examination. The website says to do the physical test this month. Aspirants are raising questions about this. It is argued that if the physical test is done immediately after the result of the preliminary examination, there will be no time for preparation.
According to an aspirant, they are not able to prepare properly for other exams as the exam is not conducted after the application. Their impatience is also happening. Many obstacles have to be endured as they have been preparing for many years in the hope of getting a job. They alleged that due to the delay in the publication of the results after the preliminary examination, they could not prepare properly for the main examination. If Odisha Staff Service Commission (OSSC), one of Odisha’s recruitment agencies, can conduct examinations and publish results on time, then why not OSSSC, academicians and intellectuals have questioned.