Darshan Of Chaturdha Murti Will Be Systematic, Special Arrangements Will Be Made For Disabled Devotees

Puri: The government is taking several steps to make Srijiu’s (deities of Puri Temple) darshan pleasant in the temple. The internal darshan of the temple will be systematic. No devotee should be left out. So special arrangements will be made for disabled devotees as well. Detachable ramps shall be arranged near the inner timbers of the shrine.
This detachable ramp model has been displayed by Odisha Bridge Construction Corporation or OBCC. Similarly, Puri District Collector Siddharth Shankar informed that plans are being made to arrange darshan for disabled devotees at some time during the day.
This was discussed in the management committee meeting held on 30th of last month. Emphasis is placed on the disciplined darshan of the devotees. This chain will be brought without disturbing the tradition and rituals. Chests and closets will be removed from the natamandap and the natamandap will be fully air-conditioned. Special lines will be arranged for women, children and oldage as well.