Athagarh: Athagarh BDO Pradeep Kumar Sahu arrested by Vigilance on Thursday on charges of misappropriation of assets. On Wednesday, a vigilance team conducted simultaneous raids at 8 places including Bhubaneswar, Khurda, Nayagarh and Athagarh, including Pradeep’s father’s house.
During the raid, BDO’s 2 buildings and a flat in Bhubaneswar were found. Similarly, the vigilance team also got information about 3 plots, deposits of 47 lakhs, 6 lakhs in cash and 452 grams of gold, 2 cars and many more.
The vigilance officer was shocked to see BDO’s property. He was later detained and interrogated. However Pradeep could not give any satisfactory answer regarding the property he had acquired. Hence Vigilance arrested him on Thursday.
It is worth noting that on February 23, 2023, Pradeep was appointed as BDO in Athagarh.