Bhubaneswar witnesses ‘zero shadow day’, a rare celestial event

Bhubaneswar: Residents of the State Capital of Odisha on Sunday experienced the Zero Shadow Day, a rare celestial event that is generally witnessed only two times a year. Later on June 22, this rare sight will be seen in Baripada too
Recently, Bengaluru will witness a unique celestial event on Tuesday, April 25. For a brief period of time, vertical objects in the city will not be having shadows, due to a phenomenon are calling Zero Shadow Day. The phenomenon will take place at 12:17 pm.
Deputy Director of Pathani Samanta Planetarium, Subhendu Patnaik said, “Many people witnessed ‘zero shadow day’. It occurs twice a year when the sun is directly overhead”.
Zero shadow day is a special celestial event that occurs twice a year. During this time, no shadows appear of any object or living being when the sun is at its highest point in the sky.