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When thinking about health, your liver may not feature high up on your list of concerns. After all, it is a sturdy, self-generating organ!
But, given how much our livers do to filter toxins from our bodies, it’s time we showed it some love too.
For instance, do you know about fatty liver – a lifestyle condition that can cause symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, and abdominal pain?
What causes fatty liver? Who is at risk? Can it be reversed? Gastroenterologist explains everything you need to know about fatty liver.
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Recent research has shown that the increase in fatty liver may be associated with sugar rather than fat
High fructose corn syrup which is widely used in cold drinks and juices, because of a complex mechanism, causes fat to deposit in the liver cells.
As such there is no targetted therapy or treatment for fat in the liver. However, the progress can be stopped if the patient loses weight.
Even as little as 5 percent weight loss would be great.
Regular exercise and dietary changes would also be required. White sugar should be avoided almost completely.
Moreover, high fructose foods, like fruit juices should be avoided. However, whole fruits may be had.