In which vegetables tomato should not be added, otherwise the whole taste may get spoiled.

Tomatoes can spoil the taste of these vegetables.
If you also think that tomatoes are used while preparing all the vegetables, then you should remove this misconception as soon as possible. For your information, let us tell you that tomato is not added to some vegetables. You should also not make the mistake of adding tomatoes while cooking these vegetables. If you add tomato to these vegetables then the overall taste of your dish may get spoiled.
Ladyfinger and Bitter Gourd
Let us tell you that tomatoes are not used while making ladyfinger. Apart from this, tomato is also not added to bitter gourd. Adding tomato to ladyfinger and bitter gourd can spoil the taste of these vegetables. For your information, let us tell you that you should not use tomato even while making arbi vegetable. The mistake of adding tomatoes to these vegetables can spoil their taste.
leafy greens
Let us tell you that vegetables like amaranth, spinach, fenugreek and bathua are included in leafy greens. It is believed that tomatoes should not be used even while cooking these vegetables. Apart from this, you should not add tomatoes while making beans, otherwise you may have to repent. For your information, let us tell you that tomato is not added while cooking only a few vegetables made in India.
Jackfruit and Cranberry
Tomato is also not added to jackfruit curry. For your information, let us tell you that tomatoes are not used while making Karonda. While preparing most of the vegetables, Indians definitely add tomatoes because tomatoes add flavor to many vegetables. But if you want to make these vegetables good then you should not use tomatoes while making them.