Remote Kissing Device For Long-distance Lovers, leaves netizens divided

A bizarre Chinese remote kissing device with moving lips has left netizens flabbergasted. Students at a university in China are trying to promote monogamous kissing between long-distance couples — by developing a contraption that mimics the gesture of kissing a partner’s lips.
The device lets couple to maintain intimacy while staying away from each other. The device was invented by a student who maintained a long distance relationship with his girlfriend. It was during this period that he came across the idea of building the device.
As per the reports by the Chinese news outlet, the “lips” are made of silicon and simulate the actual pressure and heat of the kisser’s lips using sensors. The device enables users to send an exact replica of a kiss to their beloved’s devices. It can replicate the pressure, movement, and temperature of user’s lips. Global Times (that is run by China) reported that the device can replicate a real kiss. Not only does the device transmits the kissing motion but also transfers the sound made by the users.
Social media was flooded by varied reactions to this device. Some users called it funny, while others dubbed it ‘vulgar and creepy’, expressing concerns that minors could buy and use it.
Remote kissing device for long-distance lovers, invented and patented by Chinese university student in Changzhou City.
The mouth-shaped module, served as an inducing area for lovers to make the kiss and then it can transfer kiss gesture to the “mouth” on the other side.— China in Pictures (@tongbingxue) February 22, 2023
The users need to download a mobile app and plug the device to the phone’s charging port. After pairing with the partner on the app, they can start a video call and transmit replica of their kisses to each other.
The inventor Jiang Zhongli said he was in a long distance relationship with his girlfriend and could only stay in touch through phone. That’s where the inspiration for the device came from.
According to the Global Times report, the device also allows users to pair up with strangers and exchange kisses. The users can also upload their kisses in the app for others to download. The device is priced at 288 yuan ( ₹3,433).
The device received mixed responses on the Internet. “Probably going to be connected over the internet to allow remote coupling for Onlyfans type relationships. Similar machines are likely in development for other types of couplings,” one user wrote on Twitter. Some users even went on to call it “Disturbing”. “Expect a lot of pivoting for this kind of product. It will open many opportunities to feel things as they happen live. From live streaming to livefeeling,” another user wrote on Twitter.