Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
From Patna in Bihar to the glitters of Washington DC is as huge a distance as the run between political opposition in India and the Centre, now the power citadel of Modi-led BJP. That is like a run up gap between aspiration and achievement for 2024.
In a repeat curiosity of creating an euphoria or say imagery, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s of India emerging as a significant democratic power with economic and technological prowess signals to lovers of a strong and prosperous country.
Whereas, on the other the conglomerate of 15 leaders may as well reflect the aspirations of a vast population asking for a minimum required survival in the midst of unaddressed problems from toe to head.
It is about the voices and faces of millions of voiceless and faceless people asking a simple question: Is there anything for us?
That is a real puzzler for the entire nation. India has an unending list of issues and how far a ‘Howdy Modi ’ chorus can deliver any relief from an ambitious Yoga session or a high-end dinner at the White House is an arguable topic.
Modi has been seen wanting, like during the dispensation of other parties also, to manage a country as big as India with 1.5 billion population and an ethnic and a phenomenal religious diversity. It is no mere task.
For the opposition what appears a gigantic challenge is the growing acceptance of Modi despite numerous faltering by wrongly imposed steps like demonetization and the pandemic induced failures forcing a weak-kneed economy.
The recent success of the opposition Congress in Karnataka state elections may be regarded as a template for opposition parties.
Yet, the aftermath of the Patna meeting is fraught with ground-level challenges that are undeniable.
The positive chemistry was strong because the anti-Modi spirit for them is about adversity generated by his strongman style that undermines democracy, the Constitution, and its underlying principles. Adversity, as the old saying goes, does indeed make for strange bedfellows.
To translate this chemistry into electoral physics and winning arithmetic is a tall order