Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
Reverend Mott, an American missionary, in the mid-1930s asked Gandhi what he most despaired of in India.
Gandhiji replied, “The iron-like hearts of the educated Indians”.
Gandhi foresaw that it was the successful Indian who would be the biggest roadblock in the way of the unsuccessful.
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Wrestlers’ protest and the shrinking space for dissent.
The lack of significant interest in this agitation, especially from the middle classes and women’s groups who shaped the protests in 2011 and 2012, must be seen in the broader context of class politics.
Middle-class activism tends to prioritise the issues and concerns that directly impact them, often overlooking the needs and struggles of the disadvantaged classes and communities. This self-focus can perpetuate inequalities and hinders efforts to address broader social issues. Failing to consider the intersections of class, caste, gender, and other factors can result in a narrow understanding of social reality and marginalised voices.
In the event, there is a sense of suspicion towards mass politics and egalitarian ideas and movements.
In arrangement with JNU/ The Hindu pool