Saving,The Bigger Celebration; Watch-worthy

May 20: The man in the video wins million hearts for this act of pure love. Love animals, and a dog in particular is not just the brevity he delivered here. This is beyond love, care and concern, this’s humanity.
Sometimes animals get into precarious places and can’t get out of them. Therefore, videos of Samaritans rescuing animals are really pure cheers. Just like this clip that shows a man skips wedding celebrations to rescue a stray dog clinging to the side of an overflowing river.
In the video, the canine is seen standing on his legs on what appears to be a concrete base along an overflowing stream. Seconds into the clip, a man wearing a formal two-piece suit is seen walking toward the riverside skipping wedding celebrations and rescues the pooch. Another man soon volunteered a helping hand to the former and saved the animal to safety.
Shared on Reddit, within hours, the video rakes the internet by storm. It has received more than 58,000 up-votes and hundreds of comments. While some internet users said that the interaction between the man and stray dog at the end of the video was their melting moment. And the rest is weighty to feel and practice.
Meanwhile, in another such incident, a woman in the UK recently her who jumped out a window. The woman in the UK used her lightning reflexes to catch the dog who fell from her apartment window.