What is a day like for models from the glamor world? One has to work hard before ramp walk

Hard work before fashion show
If you are ever asked to live the life of models, then you would also want to walk the ramp like them or get lots of your photos clicked like them. But do you know that the work of models is not just to walk on the ramp or get photos clicked? Like other professions, modeling also requires hard work, only then can a fashion show become successful.
What is a model’s day like?
Ksenia Karpova is a Russian model. By sharing glimpses of her life on her Instagram handle, Sonia has told about the daily routine of models. This Russian model told how before the fashion show she has to attend a meeting early in the morning after which she has to prepare for traveling for the show and shoots.
Special attention to food and drink
Along with exercise, models also have to pay special attention to their eating habits. Models have to follow a healthy diet plan, which contains balanced amounts of vitamins and minerals and other nutrients. This 21 year old model often posts some posts on social media about her hectic model life.
Hair-makeup takes time
When models travel and reach the location of a fashion show or shoot, then their hair and makeup is started. This Russian model told that it takes her two hours to do hair and makeup. Coffee and snacks are served to the models in between hair and makeup. After this the models wear outfits and then go to the ramp and walk with confidence. Finally, after the fashion show is over, everyone celebrates together.