Odisha School’s Volleyball Teams To Take Part In ISF Championship In Brazil, A First Time In India

By D N Singh
Brazil, June 2: It is no rare an acknowledgement whenever sports being measured by the yardsticks of a country like Brazil.
This time in June this year, the ISF World Schools Volleyball under 18 (Boys and girls) Championship 2022 is being organized by International School Sports Federation(ISF), scheduled to be held in Brazil.
ISF is scheduled to be held at FOZ Do IGUACO, Brazil from 19th to 27th June 2022.
By any yardstick, it is a prestigious competition where many aspirant schools try to be there.
Good news for Odisha and the country that, Bhubaneswar based Kalinga Institute of Social Science volleyball teams have qualified to take part in the championship this year.
The teams from the above institution comprise of both the boys and girls to be in Brazil.
On a proud note, this is the first time that a school from Odisha and in a first from India, have qualified for the World Volleyball championship in Brazil.
It is obviously a reason for the man behind all, the founder of KISS, Dr Achyut Samanta, who is also the President Volleyball Federation Of India, has a reason to be happy.
He said that, “it is happy moment that our school has qualified for the championship and I wish them all the best”.