By D N Singh
‘Mo’ is a word in Odia which sometimes connotes the airs of self-acclaimed credits or kind of being over self-possessiveness.
But in Odisha under the chief minister Naveen Patnaik, the word has symbolized a kind of branding which has gone miles at the delivery mechanism front.
From ‘MO Sarkar’, the concept has capped several aspects of services right from governance to buy a ticket in a bus, which is cheaper than ever. The model has traveled long by now despite initial contrarian views dubbed as political.
Like, today the chief minister goes to flag off a chain of e-services such as fuel free electric transport services with an aim to mitigate the odds posed by excess of toxic emissions which has over the time become one of the biggest health hazards in the world.
His initiated ‘Mo Sarkar’ concept to instill synergy in the governance has obviously given a new directions.
It is a long list of areas fall under the ‘MO’ model which the chief minister periodically reviews to ascertain its impact relating to the real beneficiaries at the bottom. As he did on last Thursday.
What has been note worthy that, the past successes of the model has encouraged the government under him to include more and more wings of the public services.
Regular monitoring and feedback from the ground has, perhaps, remained the yardstick of his rule’s measure before taking the next step ahead.
There are no two opinions that, such a model was uniquely a brain-child of his government in India, with the kick-start of the Mo Sarkar a couple of years back. And it did click and clicked well.
There are today a massive load of 31 departments those have come under the ‘MO brandings which is in itself a challenge to maintain. Right from the MO Cycle to Mo Bus, the cushion of affordability is not difficult to assess. When one pays Rs.5 for a MO Bus ride of about five kms, the comfort speaks for itself.
It is not merely the delivery of services but, the models have helped the people’s perceptions towards the system that rules. Because, the major assessments on delivery are done with the feedback from the people.
“From the feedback, I am getting it is found, several departments have been successful in bringing behavioural change among its employees, its good news that government officers and employees are behaving more responsibly a d courteously while delivering services to the citizens” the chief minister has been quoted as saying by a news agency.
The chief minister has gone a step ahead to say that, it is not about the satisfaction of people but it is more about the continuity of such a journey.