What a democracy: nearly 80% of the jail inmates are under-trials, victims of a colonial prejudice

By D N Singh (Spl)
The Prime Minister who never stops from lecturing on the virtues of democracy to other nations has always, perhaps, refused to see into the dark underbellies of the nation he rules.
A small example
Nearly 80% of the jail inmates are under-trials and from the marginalised sections. Women accused/convicts are deserted by their families.
One woman, accused of stealing Rs 20 during the pandemic, is still in jail.
A SC Bench headed by the great judge V R Krishna Iyer, 40 years back, had advised the govt to change the system of surety (standing and furnishing property or money) as it was undemocratic and anti-egalitarian. After retirement, Justice Iyer had lived for forty more years and died. But the bail laws of colonial era continue.
We have democratically elected govts, law commissions and a robust justice delivery system. And our prime minister is lecturing Yankees about the virtues of democracy.
While in Tihar, I met many women who were in prison for yrs for not having anyone to stand/furnish surety for them. woman, accused of stealing R$ 20 during the pandemic, had a bail surety amount of Rs 20K to furnish ~ Natasha Narwal, who was in Tihar jail.