OSCE’ Evacuation In Ukraine Nearly Complete

Helsinki, Feb 28: The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine has almost finished the evacuation of its staff from the country, the SMM said. “The Mission completed the evacuation of most International Mission members following the February 25 decision.
The SMM Monitoring Teams in Kharkiv and Kherson remain sheltered in place, owing to ongoing fighting, and its Monitoring Teams in Luhansk and Donetsk Patrol Hubs await withdrawal through the Russian Federation,” the SMM said on Sunday.
The monitors specified that explosions and multiple launch rocket system and heavy artillery fire have been heard near the cities of Kharkiv, Kherson, and Odessa until the late hours of the night of February 26-27 and from the early morning hours on February 27. “The Chief Monitor along with the Kyiv Head Office senior management remain in place in Ukraine to oversee remaining Mission withdrawal,” the SMM said.