180 Media Outlets Closed In Afghanistan After Taliban Takeover

Kabul, March 16 : Afghanistan’s National House of Journalists in its latest survey said that 180 media outlets out of 475 have been closed in the past seven months in the country, reports Khaama Press. In a press conference on Tuesday, the media body said that Afghan media outlets have been affected the most after the Taliban takeover as a result only 290 media outlets are active in the war-torn country. “The reason behind the mass closure of media was economic woes and migration of professional media workers from the country,” said Sayed Yaseen Mateen, head of Afghanistan’s National House of Journalists. According to the Khaama Press report, apart from the economic woes and stoppage of foreign support for the media in Afghanistan, the lack of access to information cited by Afghan journalists is said to be another big issue for media in the country. The Afghanistan government, however, denies the claim saying that the closure of media outlets in the country is owing to the stoppage of their donors. The government denies restricting Afghan journalists and media, reports Khaama Press.
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