Eyeopener : Dr. Raymond Francis wrote three books, initiating all through simple yet vital tips

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Prevention is often more important than cure. In books and documents go around pointing at the causes and how to take the guards against but little do people pay heed to the bottom realities and suffer.
The following doctor and author ,Dr. Raymond Francis wrote three book vividly says how to shield oneself against such ailments.
1. Never get sick again
2. Never fear cancer again
3. Never get fat again
At the age of 75 years the doctor is only affected by flu and even then only once …
Talking about it in the book, he urges is to:
? Stay away from sugar as long as you can, exercise and adjust your diet to taste
? Sugar causes colds and influenza
? Eating a spoonful (teaspoon size) of sugar decreases body immunity by 50%
? Drinking a glass of Cola decreases body immunity for 6-8 hours because cola contains a lot of sugar
? Sugar causes Alzheimer’s
? Sugar is a food for cancer cells. For prevention and healing, avoid sugar
? Sugar causes all heart diseases
? Sugar causes weight gain
? Sugar causes fat accumulation
? All causes of human disease are related to sugar
? Doctor Raymond said: fathers forbid their children to smoke and drink alcohol but give sweets which are more dangerous than cigarettes and alcohol, namely sugar
? Essentially leave sugar
Doctor Raymond won an award for his scientific work at the University of Frankfurt about food health, namely:
“Yogurt is the highest source of calcium because a glass of yogurt contains 450mg of calcium, so ensure that you include it in your daily menu. And the best is low-fat yogurt
Mint leaves are a medicine to strengthen the heart and blood circulation. If you drink mint leaves like regular tea, you can smooth your stomach and intestines, reduce disease and freshen bad breath
? To cure gastric and acidity, drink a glass of hot mint leaves without added sugar
Mint leaves can remove gas, strengthen the kidneys, pancreas and relieve cough, calm nerves and angry conditions, eliminate insomnia and increase diuretics
Aerated drinks increase the size of a woman’s waist even though it doesn’t add weight
Aerated drinks (colas) cause oesteoporosis, heart and kidney problems, obesity & diabetes and cavities in teeth
Health hazards of energy-enhancing drinks for children²: speeded up pulse, convulsions, strokes, sudden death
Hijau Green tea or bitter black coffee: good because there are antioxidants that guard against cancer
? Salmon, apples, grapes, cherries, blueberries, spinach are the types of foods that maintain brain cells and strengthen memory
? It is a big mistake to mention that drinking water while eating and after eating causes bloating and makes digestion difficult
? That’s right: Water doesn’t cause bloating and helps digest better than others
? Walk for 30 minutes per day in 5 days per week to take care of: heart disease, sugar, depression, blood pressure, cholesterol
Putih Garlic: helps reduce the chance of contracting cancer because garlic can increase immunity
Onsumsi Eating warm ginger in the afternoon helps burn fat and remove toxins from the body
? Try to drink a glass of water after waking up to restore fluids lost during sleep and to cleanse toxins in the body
? Doctor Raymond said that he had benefited from this and would be happy if it benefits all.
(For more benefits and details, you can read the book directly or see youtube shows with the title: Never Be Sick Again 1 and 2.