When Moral Scruples Take Leave ! Crushing Sleeping Puppies To Death Every Other Day

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
These are the cases when moral scruples take leave.
Either one hacks a sleeping dog to death or run over five puppies when they lie on the ground and get crushed to tragic remains of some living creatures.
The most recent being the incident of someone getting four puppies under his SUV and that too in a crowded road.
A complaint was lodged with the local police station at Khandagiri and the FIR was lodged.
Subsequently what happened was nothing but a history repeat and the culprit got a bail. The matter would end there as in many cases.
When, in June last, four puppies and a mother dog were eating garbage from a heap near Lingaraj area, a man ran his vehicle killing five puppies and critically injuring the adult. Case was registered with the Lingaraj police station and the killer, Prafulla Raut was merely detained.
It was in Kendrapada, inside a residential area, a man tip-toes with a sharp weapon hidden behind and hacks the sleeping animal in the neck. So deep was the wound that, the dog could not even stand with its neck partly falling.
His screams were drowned in the deadly silence of the afternoon and the helpless animal fell dead on his pool of blood and the video which went viral sent shock-waves around. Police registered a case of culpable murder by intent and was arrested,
But, that does not happen in all the cases of such cruelty to animal and many incidents remain unreported.
Laws are there for Prevention of Cruelty To Animals act 1964 and frankly speaking, the law has been either archaic or is not being enforced with the required seriousness.