New Delhi, Jul 6 : Just ahead of the expected Cabinet reshuffle and expansion,the Centre on Tuesday created a separate ‘Ministry of Co-operation to realizing the vision of ‘Sahkar se Samriddhi’ (prosperity through co-operation).Describing as a historic move, the Centre said that this ministry will provide a separate administrative, legal and policy framework for strengthening the cooperative movement in the country.
The new Minister for this portfolio will be named in the next Cabinet rejig.The Ministry will work to streamline processes for ‘Ease of doing business’ for co-operatives and enable development of Multi-State Co-operatives (MSCS) and also to deepen Co-operatives as a true people based movement reaching up to the grassroots,an official release said, adding that in our country, a Co-operative based economic development model is very relevant where each member works with a spirit of responsibility.The Union Government has signaled its deep commitment to community based developmental partnership wherein creation of a separate Ministry for Co-operation to fulfils the budget announcement made by the Finance Minister.