Hyderabad : Launching a frontal attack on the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government for its policy of privatisation of Public Sector Banks (PSBs) former President of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Students Union Dr Kanhaiya Kumar said the Bank employees’ fight against privatization is fight not only to save the banks but to save the nation.
In the process of privatisation, the common man will suffer, he said while delivering his lecture on the ‘challenges before the youth on account of privatisation policies’ on the 21st day of the month-long AIBEA National Webinars to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of Bank Nationalisation on theme ‘Vibrant Banking for Vibrant India’ and focus ‘people’s money for people’s Welfare’, on Wednesday evening.
Dr Kumar said that even though one is not an economist, one cannot dissociate from issues like privatisation of banks or the various other decisions that are being taken by the present government at the Centre.
Privatisation is not an issue that can be viewed separately but it relates to economics, he said.
He stated that ”handful of Corporates are looting the PSBs for which the common man is required to pay the cost in the form of reduction in interest rates on deposits, levying of service charges, which should be exposed”.
Dr Kumar, also the All India Students Federation National Leader stated that privatization in Education, Health has miserably failed. Private sector health system during the period of pandemic is badly exposed and same thing will repeat in case of banking.
The former President of JNU students union admitted that Public Sector Banks are facing problems but solution to the problem cannot be dismantling of it, instead the Modi government should address crux of the issue, that is mounting Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) which should deal with all seriousness.
Dr Kumar said Public Sector is a precious resource which the government is handing over to private sector to serve their own interests.
He said the Central Government is accountable and answerable to the people at large in the democracy but the present government is not behaving responsibly and is taking such vital decisions affecting vast population of the country adversely, in haste to serve the interests of handful.
”The Constitution of India ensures the right to life and that right to life is right to live with dignity and it means that we should get jobs and in a secured way. It can be possible only in the public sector, he asserted.
The former President of JNU students’ Union defended public sector units and public sector banks.
Dr Kumar, also the National Executive Member of Communist Party of India (CPI) said, AIBEA is doing that wonderful job of defending public sector banks through its organizational actions and one of them is the series of webinars conducted to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of Bank Nationalisation.
He appealed to the youth to raise their voice against all such ill-conceived policies of the Centre since they have a future and the same is dependent on the future of the nation.