Pandemic Safeguards: French Health Min Announces Mandatory Booster Dose For Caregivers, Firefighters

Paris, Dec 18: French Health Minister Olivier Veran announced on Saturday that people providing care and firefighters will be obligated to get booster vaccine doses against Covid 19 starting January 30, 2022.
The minister also told the France Inter radio station that the new Omicron coronavirus variant was detected in France en masse, especially in the Paris region, and that the authorities do not want people of essential professions to be unable to work because of the need to quarantine.
In early December, Veran said that the fifth coronavirus wave is expected to peak in late January in France. The minister added that every 10 minutes a coronavirus patient is admitted to intensive care in the country.
To date, 90 per cent of the French population older than 18 have been fully vaccinated against Covid 19, and 92 per cent have been given at least one vaccine shot.