To Wait Till 12:00 GMT For Answer From Kiev On Talks: Russia

Minsk, Feb 27: A Russian delegation to talks with Ukraine will wait until 3 p.m. (Minsk time, 12:00 GMT) on Sunday for Kiev to say if it will come to Gomel for talks, the head of the delegation, Vladimir Medinsky, said.
The delegation is currently in the Russian embassy in Minsk. “We’re calmly suggesting this. It’s midday now. We’ll stay here until 3 p.m. and wait for an answer from Ukraine on whether they follow through on their own decision to go to the talks in Gomel. As soon as we get that confirmation, we’ll head out, too, and will meet our colleagues. We are in favor of peace. In the event of rejecting the talks, Ukraine will be responsible for any casualties,” Medinsky told reporters.