Take care: Worldwide 1.31 billion people may get diabetic by 2050 and in India it has already touched 100 million

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
With the change in life style, food and an ever increasing pace in stress in life, a study has predicted that, by 2050 1.31 billion people may be living with the silent killer diabetes.
It may sound but nightmarish but the existing pattern and the spiraling up work load has brought the humanity to that stage.
This is going by what was recently published in the Lancet.
What is no less appalling that, looking back at the figures about two years back, 2021, the figure stood at 529 million and then also alarms were sounded but the solution seems still not easy. More so in view of the dramatic jump in numbers is a result of an increase in obesity and demographic shifts.
Mainly social factors dominate
One kind of diabetes accounted for 90 percent of all diabetes patients in 2021, with the causes mainly being social factors such as environmental and occupational risks, dietary risks, or alcohol use, and low physical activity.
Key Findings
By 2045, three in four adults with diabetes will be residing in low or middle-income countries.
This is especially alarming considering how inaccessible diabetes treatment in many of these countries is. The study points out that only 10 percent of people with diabetes living in these countries receive guideline-based diabetes care.
The series also suggested that those who belong to marginalised sections will suffer the worst consequences of diabetes.
In the USA, where the burden of type 2 diabetes in young people has nearly doubled in the past 20 years
The study spoke about the significance of equitable partnerships, building community capacity, building trust, developing and changing the ecosystem, and improving the clinical practice environment to improve the current condition.
And India
What was seen in the Lancet as well that a study conducted by a Madras Diabetes Centre reveal that,
At least 11.4 % Indians have diabetes that’s over a 100 million people.
The large-scale study involved over 113,000 participants from 31 states across the country, and was the first comprehensive study on non-communicable metabolic diseases in India.
15.3 percent of the participants were found to have prediabetes.
According to the study authors, how the health community decides to deal with diabetes in the next 20 years could potentially determine the health and life expectancy of these populations for the next 80 years.
While there is much anticipation for GLP-1 agonists and newer drug combinations that help in regulating blood sugar and reduce body weight, the solution to this growing issue is not more pills, say experts.
“A much broader and more ambitious programme is required to address centuries of injustices that have followed the well-trodden paths of power and colonisation.”