Akshaya Tritiya: Auspicious Logs Received Lord Jagannath’s Assent

Puri, May 3: On the auspicious occasion of Akshay Tritiya on Tuesday, the logs at the chariot making shelter near the Srimandir here get the divine permission of the Holy Trinity to get sculpted into the chariots for ensuing Rath Yatra.
After getting the ‘Aagyan Mala’ (permission garland) from the deities after the Madhyahna Dhupa(Noon Worship), followed by special rituals conducted by the temple priests. The three 12 ft logs of ‘dhaura katha’ (specific logs) were brought to the ‘ratha khala’ near the Jagannath temple.
On the holy day of Akshaya Tritiya, Puri Dham and Srimandir Admin is all set to organise the famous Chandan Yatra. Lord Jagannath, the representative deity Madan Mohan, along with consorts Sridevi, Bhudevi the Pancha Mahadevs (also known as Pancha Pandavas), namely Lord Yameswar, Lord Kapal Mochan, Lord Lokanath, Lord Markandeya and Lord Nilakanth, take a trip on a chapa (a traditional boat) in the holy Narendra pond as part of Lord’s water sport called chapa khela.
The grand festival is hosted in two sessions, one during the day and the other at night.