Mobilenews24x7 Bureau (Excluaive)
Politics of diversions is what today visible in India when a few burning issues seem driven like hot nails into the flesh of many.
Be it inflation or Manipur or the recent issue of harassment of Indian wrestlers who recently lifted their tents from Jantar Mantar after a prolonged drama of hide and seek.
Anywhere you talk of Manipur, our leaders in power divert to something in France. One is led to see blood and fire in France instead the 100 plus people fell victim to the ethnic conflagration which still, in fact, goes on.
Playing a sycophant of sort, Assam CM Hemant Sarma said it is all going to be normal in Manipur in one week. Hope he has opened his eyes by now.
Inflation: Very talking point as tomato price has crossed Rs 120, then so what, which may be bit higher in Pakistan or Sri Lanka.
So many meetings and conventions but the PM is just short of talking about Manipur like a water-tight compartmentalization from such a sensible topic.
Or the mention of it misses from the prepared speeches he has in the monitors or on the desk!
We remember what happened to the Wall Street journalist in Washington by asking a straight question to PM Modi. Harassment in the hands of social media drivers. Who were they trolling against Sabrina Sidiqque the reporter who put the question to Modi .
But, US white office has condemned such attempts as indecorous and strangulation of press freedom.
Then let us not ask question which has never been a reality in India in his nine years stint like, the PM facing the media directly.
‘I speak and you listen’ is the palpable attitude which emantes from such mind-sets. Just for once listen to the Man ki Bat of people.
Ask questions to Rahul Gandhi and good or bad he is a ready replier at least. Ask question on Nehru or others who ruled India for 70 years. They were responsible for all the rots eating into the Indians.
So, we have to wait for another about 68 years till Modi completes 70 years reign.
Dreaming to be a Biswa-guru has little to do with hard politics may be. Look at the dollar-rich Indian Diaspora abroad who keep playing and singing paeans in the praise of our PM. No common Indian has any business to know what matters most for them, Indians or Indians staying abroad.
All that sounds bad, are all the deeds of the erstwhile rulers in this mother of democracy, India. They are to blame.
Double Engine government is what? It is at the centre and in Manipur as well then what stops the hilly and beautiful place to look like the bride of Frankenstein?
The blame goes to the Congress in that case which is allegedly fomenting unrest. An absurd conclusion unfit to be logical.
On Morbi disaster what got amply reflected is the Modi model government there. Voting is not driven by such ground realities but by something else.
Is that statistical sophistry or propaganda or rhetorical fence mending?