Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
At long last India is waking up to a glaring reality that we have long since departed from our roots in the nature and it is time to get back to the past and that is nature as a means for palliative. Naturopathy or Ayurveda.
However, it is already too late and we have been consumed by the toxicity of drugs and a lifestyle so alien to our health.
India is the land where holistic systems like ayurveda and naturopathy have their roots. It has a long tradition of being educated on holistic health that gives great emphasis on keeping people healthy. The strength and the vitality of the people nurtured on holistic concepts reflected in its robust art, culture, philosophy, trade, and the warriors who were famous for their vitality, strength and skills.
However inexplicably independent India decided to abandon its own systems to adopt the reductionist system pushed by the WHO. This was despite recommendations that ayurveda should be at the core and the dominant system. Perhaps not so surprisingly there was absolutely no provision for the holistic systems that sustained India for ages.
The ensuing years saw the explosion of chronic disease states like acidity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart ailments, cancers, insomnia, stress and strain. The sane voices that tried to ascribe this to the treatment system in vogue remained unheard.
The answer to the plethora of chronic diseases was more of the same system. The number of medical colleges and hospitals grew to take advantage of the situation and the people became accustomed to paying high medical bills. Disease became a part of life.
Bowing to pressure and Parliament debates a department of alternative medicine was opened but right from the beginning it was neglected. Paper work was all that happened. It did not stop at that. The “experts” took it upon themselves to “modernize” the courses of the ayurvedic and homeopathic medical colleges. As a result the students learnt the allopathic approach and felt that modern medicine was superior to their systems.
Bereft of alternatives and fed the garbage that the prevailing system was scientific and “alternatives” quackery, the people accepted that they needed to go to the mainstream clinics and hospitals to be treated, and that they had no hand in their own health.