Whale that delivered! mesmerizing shight of Whale Gives Birth In Front Of A Group Of Tourists, leaves internet stunned

Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation, whatever be it a human or an animal spirit is courageous and bold and the body, a miracle of wisdom.
This is the incredible moment a huge gray whale gives birth in front of a lucky group of whale watchers.
Tourists in California had a once-in-a-lifetime experience when they got to witness a 35-foot-long gray whale giving birth within close proximity. According to a Metro report, the whale-watching tour group was sailing with Captain Dave’s Dolphin & Whale Safari in Dana Point, California.
The sprawling female was spotted lying on her back out to see near Dana Point, California, just south of Los Angeles on Monday.
But suddenly she is joined by her baby as it emerges through the bloody water and swims happily around her.
The mother whale successfully welcomed her calf to the world in front of a boatload of whale watchers on tour with Capt. Dave’s Dolphin & Whale Watching Safari.
The safari service also posted a video of this rare sighting on their YouTube channel. In the video, the mother whale can be seen pushing her newborn to the surface.
Watch the video here:
While sharing the video, Capt Dave’s Dana Point Dolphin & Whale Watching Safari, wrote, “As the boat slowly approached the animal, our crew noticed it was behaving sporadically. Passengers and crew saw something orange and red colored in the water that they thought might have been kelp.”
“Instead, a newborn calf came up to the surface! For a minute, many of us thought it may be a shark or predatory event. But no, instead of the end of life, it was the beginning of a new one! After surfacing, the newborn calf began learning how to swim and bonding with its mother. The female even brought the calf over to the boats as if to show off her offspring and say hello,” it added.