Bhubaneswar: Nabard sanctioned Rs.356 crore for construction of 35 bridge projects in Odisha.
Nabard has sanctioned RIDF assistance of Rs.356 Crore to the government of Odisha under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) for construction of 35 bridge projects covering 17 districts in the State. These bridge projects are intended to provide improvement in rural connectivity to 11.06 lakh people in 1324 villages.
During the current financial year, critical rural infrastructure projects under Drinking Water, Irrigation and Rural Connectivity (Road and Bridge) are being proposed to be supported under RIDF-XXVII. The cumulative sanction under RIDF for the current year stand at Rs.1047 crore.
These infrastructure projects will play a key role in supporting rural economy by improving the livelihoods of people.