Commoner Storms Internet, Raps Melee to Milestone

Mumbai: Sania Mistri Qaiyummuddin, now a familiar name in Internet and in those thin but over-crowded gullies of Govandi Slum. After Divine and Naezy, this teen Sania MQ has become another gully girl/rapper. Her pain, her struggles, poverty and vacuums of life, are composed well to make her a Rapper sensation on social media.
The new Gully Girl of Govandi, now goes viral with thousands of follower. Sania Mistri Qaiyummuddin, the 16 year old daughter of a rickshaw driver, never had a smart phone to showcase her talent. But Sania’s pen and pain out-smarted odds, from obscure to be notable. She sings about her own slum, day-to-day struggles of her neighborhood and raps all pain to pleasure. This makes her one of her kind and a wildfire in this genre of singing. Her music videos hits thousand likes and love from Netizens. Her YouTube channel ‘Sania MQ’ has more than 3000 subscribers and decent followers in Insta too.
Her flair of writing about feelings and facts are encouraged by her friends, humble slum dwellers, cyber-surfers and people who love music of any form. So, within a span of 3 years she rocked the string of rap music and internet the New-Gen Tech and New Media. Sania is now collecting blessings and best wishes from all corners to be the best of her own.