Woman Can Rotate Her Feet Front To Back Earns Her A Spot In Guinness World Records

Sometimes, it takes a chance encounter with something unusual to spark the flame of inspiration within us. Recently, a 32-year-old woman from New Mexico, USA has broken Guinness World Records by rotating her feet back-to-front by almost 180 degrees. Kelsey Grubb has the largest foot rotation (female) and can turn her foot 171.4 degrees.
But how does one recognize they have such a unique talent?
“I work at a library and the newest world record book (2021) had just come out. A coworker was flipping through and randomly opened to the page with the largest foot rotation and said ‘ew! That’s so gross.’ Naturally, I looked over her shoulder and said, ‘I think I can do that,'” Kelsey told Guinness World Records.
Kelsey rotated her foot and realised that she could break the world record.
“I always knew I was flexible there but had assumed most people could turn their foot farther than 90 degrees out,” she said.
Kesley said that she didn’t realise how abnormal it was to rotate her foot as she can.
She can rotate her foot completely naturally and it doesn’t hurt her. However, she can sometimes feel the rotation slightly in her knee and may rotate her foot a bit slower.
The unique talent has helped Kesley in her ice-skating career as she can turn around and look back without moving her feet, allowing her to be aware of her surroundings.
“Most people are grossed out and fascinated at the same time. The most common phrase I’ve heard about it is not that the movement itself is gross, just the ease at which I turn it,” Kesley said.