Manish recalls UN’s unfulfilled history: Didn’t find much in New Delhi-G 20 leaders’ declaration

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
“Before we go into paroxysms of ecstasy over some ‘agreed texts or consensus declarations’ we should be clear eyed about the limits of multilateralism. Ultimately as long as Westphalism hold the field nation states would act in their own interests,” the former Union minister Manish Tewari said”.
Cutting across political leanings, the opinions of the G-20 declaration has come under sharp criticism from all sides. Be it economy or bio-diversity, there is a hollowed space which calls for introspection.
Congress leader Manish Tewari on Monday said that the history of the United Nations (UN) is littered with unfulfilled and unimplemented Head’s of States declarations and asked what were the concrete deliverables as he “didn’t find much in the New Delhi leaders’ declaration during the G20 Summit”.
In a post on X, Tewari said, “The League of Nations was founded on 10th January 1920. It could not prevent World War-II. The United Nations (UN) was founded on October 24 th 1945. The UN could not prevent 285 major armed conflicts from taking place from 1946-2023. The Earth Summit was held in Rio De Janeiro from 3rd to 14th June 1992. Three decades later it has not been able to stabilise global warming or substantively bring down GHG emissions.”